Sunday, December 8, 2013

Advocare 24 Day Challenge

Today was the first day of my Advocare 24 Day Challenge and I survived - 23 more days to go! :-)

Honestly it was not bad at all...An adjustment...but not bad at all. My struggle was just getting used to the routine and coming up with the best way for me to survive the first day.  I took my body measurements and got my day started.

Today's Meal Plan was:

8 oz of water with Advocare Spark
8 oz of water with Advocare Fiber Drink

Smoothie: (Grapes, Whole Bunch of Spinach, Banana, splash of orange juice and Water)

Baked Tilapia
Steamed Vegetables
Advocare Omega Vitamin

Steamed Vegetables

Blackeyed Peas

It honestly felt like I was eating all day or meal prepping to eat, but like I said in my first post - this is a lifestyle change so it will be an adjustment...a welcomed adjustment.

After reviewing today's plan - I will be removing red meat and adding more salads to my diet.

Pumped, excited and ready to see the results.

Remember - There is always room for improvement.  

KIG - Keep It Girlee! 

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