
Keep It Girlee   

Welcome to my "Keep It Girlee" Blog! 

Keep it Girlee was established in 2012 after I lost my mom to Breast Cancer and needed an outlet. I have to admit...My husband came up with the name - I just fell in love with it and what it could stand for! 
I wanted a way to reach out to Girls/Women/Daughters/Sisters/Grandmothers/Aunts/Wives/Mothers of the world and share my experience in hopes of helping others. 

As women we are so busy taking care of everyone else that we forget to take care of ourselves - resulting in obesity, health problems, depression, low self esteem and a big ball of emotions. 

It is so important that we take care of ourselves and that is exactly what "Keep It Girlee" stands for...living a healthy lifestyle, getting our annual check ups, finding happiness and continuing to feel/look Sexy!


1. I am happily married and a Mother to three beautiful Girls
2. I am a true Texan - born and raised! YEE HAW!
3. I love reading, helping others and laughing...true Goof Ball!
4. I am reserved (shy), but at the same time FULL OF LIFE.
5. I don't stress over the little stuff...and when you think of it - most of the time it is all small ;-)
7. I am a social media addict. ;-)


  1. Beautiful, simply beautiful!! this is soooo good... can i post about anything or just health and fitness? i am a "sometimee" health fitness girl. i eat right when i'm working out, when i'm not working out i'm definitely not eating right.

    1. Hello Raven! Thank you for the compliment and Thank you so much for posting a comment on my blog. I am envisioning great things for this blog in due time. Yes, Yes and Yes - you can post anything on this blog - this blog is for me and all of the "Girlee Girls" out there - so I want to talk about what will keep you coming back ;-). The fact is we are human and we will make mistakes. It is a lifestyle and it takes time - it will not happen over night. We have to take it one day at a time and celebrate the little accomplishments - like making healthier choices or just losing one pound. Those little accomplishments will eventually add up to big accomplishments and before you know it - you have reached your goal! Continue to follow me as we figure this out together - in the meantime "Keep it Girlee"!
