Saturday, December 7, 2013

My First Post!!!

Hello World!

My name is Shameya Hill. I am a wife/mother/woman on a journey of changing my lifestyle when it comes to food, health and loving myself.

What you must understand is I LOVE FOOD - I cry, laugh, hide, play with food.... I really enjoy eating.  As Mother's and Wives we give so much of ourselves that we often fail to take time to care for ourselves.  Usually after work, after school sports and cooking - I am exhausted and have nothing else to give.

It STOPS now ladies...let's set a goal and go for it.

Keep It Girlee is just that...keeping it professionally, sexy and fit!

I am creating this blog for many reasons:

  1. To share my "Love Myself More than Food" Journey
    • Sharing My Highs and Lows
    • Recipes
  2. Sharing beautiful snapshots of my other love - My Family! 
  3. Share how I "Keep It Girlee" while being a full time employee, mom, wife and friend
This will not be easy, because like I said it is a lifestyle change but with God, Family and Your support - I/We will get through this!

KIG - Keep It Girlee!


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